Vibratory Feeders

Arrow-brand-red Image

OKAY Vibe Feeders are robust machines with a compact footprint that use vibration to feed material to a process or machine while controlling the rate of flow.

A Vibratory Feeder receives incoming material on a flat vibrating deck that then spreads and moves the materials along the deck by the vibration effect.  It is a machine with a compact footprint that feeds small, 3D or heavy materials in a metered flow into wider downstream machines. 

Metering Drums are used to control the flow of materials between two machines.  It is a large rotating drum, with fingers in some applications, that can run with or against the flow of materials.

The height of the OKAY Metering Drum can also be adjusted easily and quickly on a side panel.  It can also be controlled on an inverter so the Drum can be speeded up or slowed down.

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