Front-End EfW Plants

OKAY Front-end Energy-from-Waste Plants recover recyclates and produce a fuel to a specification for the back-end EfW plant to generate energy from it and allow everyone to utilise the heat produced. This not only means we are helping to recover value from resource, we are also diverting waste from landfill and helping the UK achieve its renewable energy targets.
Our Front-End EfW Plants typically recover wood, cardboard, ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, mixed plastics, paper and inerts and these are diverted back into the manufacturing or construction industries.
The remaining waste is then prepared into a specification to ensure a clean and efficient conversion process and to minimise production of ash and other by-products.
Whatever the input mix, recovery demand or fuel specification, OKAY’s Front-End EfW plants work shifts up to 24/7 to ensure waste operators consistently fulfil their commitments.
Start your Front-End EfW Plant project or upgrade with us today!